the sinking of the cruise ship oriental star on the yangtze river stunned the whole nation. in the rescue efforts, changli 8, the riprap boat built by yiyang rubber & plastics machinery group co., ltd. has played an import role. chinese premier li keqiang boarded the boat to oversee rescue efforts and visit the rescue workers.
changli 8 is now the largest inland waterway riprap boat in china, which was delivered to changjiang waterway bureau and put into use in may 2013. the boat, 69 meters long and 20.4 meters wide, is able to handle 62 cubic meters of stones per hour. it is mainly responsible for the riprap work on the yangtze river. the large-deck boat is equipped with a crane, which qualifies it for riprap work, and also makes it a great help in the rescue operation of the oriental star. the picture shows changli 8 in the mission. (photo by li zhonghong)